Watching the light settle, dimming the foliage bustling from
A creeping shadow lurked over my chest,
A snake slithering and licking my ear with its tongue,
I merely gazed as the blackness caped my eyes,
A cold den within devouring my cries
Ignoring my weeping,
“This is emptiness in
all hearts,” the slimy snake whispered,
I couldn’t even feel the blood pumping in my veins,
The wailing ghouls dotting the ambiance,
Alone, alone, lost, sadness, pity,
That place reeked of regret and I didn’t see the door out,
tears tumbling coating my skin with loss,
I fear that dual path replaying itself like an old reel,
I can’t capture every moment and mold it my way,
The snake almost bites into my heart, but I bite first,
Spitting its head,
My roar banished the darkness as I leapt above,
Laughing, laughing,
Wiping the sweat pouring from my forehead,
Finding the courage to return,
to that eternal path.