Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Etch into my space,
and allow our palms to grind,
walk at my hearts pace,
in another world we're destined to find.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

After Midnight

I'm not afraid of your dark, no,
it's those dancing shadows crying like monkeys,
I tug at my shirt, creeping,
soft steam swirls off the the damp alley,
the brick stifles my vision as rats scamper at my feet,
I've had this dream before, and it ends the same,
a car speeds by while my feet sink further,
deeper screams and grip at my legs,
I scratch and claw at the dense walls,
I've had this dream before,
my waist is submerged, a cool chill shakes my spine,
I've been here,
I can't feel my lower half,
strangers laugh and murmur off in the distance,
my voice is a whisper no matter my pitch,
I always wake up,
it's over my eyes as my finger tips
reach for the stars
just out of reach.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


The baked Sun bloats the polluted streets
and that zooming and coming and going
never let's the tired sleep.

She lies sunken in a trance,
huddled like a C willingly
offering her hand.

I stand frozen watching the outside from above,
heart screeching with anxiety,
since the perch is disappearing
beneath me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Open

Two weeks walking on top toes
suppose the spectators become restless
trapped in a lousy boat
moats keep blades from reaching throats
but that western air still guides through
blue crisp skies hidden by murky grey brewing
about to collapse
pieces glittering and chiming
change scatter from holes in pockets
and hands clinging drunkenly
no me ho die tries to swindle the mind
so polite for strangers
and clean as a medical tent
went there and back
took more than a three day trail
snails may run faster
but they don't enjoy the scene as much.