Don’t drink the water in Chicago, since it is all from the Chicago River and that River is Fucking Disgusting.
Look at you! What a pathetic sight you are!
Putrid pig heads rolled into you, dirtying your body.
The destroyed stock yards. Pitiful.
Stale odor of swine carcasses. Troupes of Meat.
I can hear it!—they scream, those swine!
Calais hands. Sweat. Sadness. Long hours.
Legal adduction of homes—go somewhere else!
Kikes. Spikes. Poles. Potato Farmers.
They used their arms, their eyes guided by guile.
Sinclair was right,
You are a shit stain on Chicago History.
Remember, you were riddled with hate,
Remember, you were hiding bodies of minorities,
Remember, you were a caldron for the lowly working-class.
You reek!
Smelling like fowl dog urine,
Or dead fucking fish filled with maggots.
The wind fans your stench across Bridgeport,
A place filled with workers, dwellers, survivors.
The Irish dug you up
you spit them out.
You bitch!
Not worrying about 12-hour days.
No Vacation. No breaks. No pay raise.
It isn’t the beautiful Democracy.
You Fool!
They point their heads away
And for good reason!
Ass smells better than you.
You cut through the city like a black vein.
Weaving wearingly. Intrepidly sloshing.
like tar pulling in its victims.
From the Magnificent Mile I pause.
You can’t hide!
O’ no. The people remember what
you did.
But why do you gleam green?
Cause men shit in you.
Why does life die around you?
Cause your water fucks up earth.
Why can’t I avoid you?
Cause your poignant aroma is everywhere.
If I swam in you I’d drown!
Bogged down by legions of sewage and muck.
If I drank you I’d choke!
My throat would gag and seize for air.
The Suns sharp rays are void within your surface.
The Moons shine purples the gentle murmurs of death.
Animals dive, but can’t find anything alive. Striving
within a robust city that ignores the cry. I’ve been
viewing it from bridges, beaches, piers.
It’s not you.
No. No. No. No.
You were once clean.
A dream among travelers.
But. But.
Smugglers, gamblers, politicians.
They mutated you.
They stirred hatred.
Those racist fucks!
You didn’t know.
Innocent. I swear. Innocent.
It’s the men who made you.
It is man who made you.
You poor fool…