Man Machine
I tread barefoot across hot sand,
a whisper from the ocean,
eastern breeze chilling my skin,
squawking seagulls pecking
for scraps at my feet,
peeking a memory is like
staring at the sun, I reach
to feel the blonde locks
between my fingers, I’m
brought down by the weight,
I start to build sandcastles out
of snow, shivering, rubbing my
palms for warmth, dark clouds
can appear without warning.
Systems on. Engines running on
fuel combusting and burning loads
of oil into my limbs mimicking moving
my almond eyes mirrors that can see
but not understand. Brain
wired to
electrons spouting lightning bolts to
transfer emotions like smiles and
laughs fingers touching hands but
not really feeling the energy stifling
my iron lung shooting bullets in the
form of my name. Conceiving days
with the stopwatch winding down on
my arm keeping motion forward
monstrous rains plummeting sparking
fire fizzling database seeping into the
cracks to feed the only human part left
my heart.